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Humax'ta hata mesajları.


New member
Local time
23 Şubat 2006
Tepkime puanı
Humax da hata mesajlari

E-HC/bC incorrect header block (CRC-16)
E-dC incorrect data block (CRC-16)

Download ettiginiz Firmwareyi bozuk/hatali olabilir tekrar baska bir yerden indirin.
E-Hn/bF Invalid HDF Version

Eger sizin Receivere uymayan Firmwareyi yüklemeye calisirsaniz.Receiver modelini/tipini
bulun ve sadece buna yazilan Firmwareyi kullanin.
yeni patch +CAM 3.2 kullanirsan böyle seyler sorun olmaz)
E-id invalid system ID

Yükleyeceginiz Receiver tipi dogru ama yinede degisik System ID oldugu icin ona uygun
bir Firmwareyi arayin yeni patchi +CAM 3.2 kullanirsan böyle seyleri sorun olmaz)
daha cok eski patchler icin gecerli.
E-AC incorrect application CRC 32

En aktuel Firmwareyi downloadlayip yükleyin.
yeni patch +CAM 3.2 kullanirsan böyle seyler sorun olmaz)
E-ut UART RX/TX timeout

PC ile Humaxin arasinda komunikasyon hatasi var,Dogru programi kullaniyormusunuz ?
Mesela IRCI5400, FTV5600 vs. en uygun WDN4OAK+,
bu Programda receivere yükleme hizini azaltip yine deneyin.
Birde Humaxi acmak icin arkasindaki dügmeden acin,patchi yükmek icin.
birde PC yi resetleyip tekrar deneyin
E-Ad Invalid Adress

elinizde olan *.hdf filesi bozuk adresler iceriyor, baska bir Firmware deneyin
yeni patch +CAM 3.2 kullanirsan böyle seyler sorun olmaz)
E-Ao - Invalid offset address for upload(Odd offset)

Humax elinizdeki *.hdf filesini binär file yaparken hata olmus baska bir Firmware dene
eni patch +CAM 3.2 kullanirsan böyle seyler sorun olmaz)
E-Ft - Flash program time out

Receiverin FLASHi bozuk olabilir, tekrar patchlemeyi dene olmazsa tamire götürün
E-It/Et - EEPROM program time out

Receiverin EEPROMu bozuk olabilir, tekrar patchlemeyi dene olmazsa tamire götürün
E-FE - Fail compare after flash write

Receiverin FLASHi bozuk olabilir, tekrar patchlemeyi dene olmazsa tamire götürün
E-HF - Invalid HDF Format

Humax bu elinizdeki *.hdf filesini yanlis vers. numarisindan kompayl ediyor
baska bir Firmware deneyin eni patch +CAM 3.2 kullanirsan böyle seyler sorun olmaz)
E-Fn - Invalid flash device

Receiverin FLASHi bozuk olabilir, tekrar patchlemeyi dene olmazsa tamire götürün
E-AS - Incorrect application size

Dogru Firmware vers. diye kontrol edin.
yeni patch +CAM 3.2 kullanirsan böyle seyler sorun olmaz)
E-IC - Please download again

Tekrar patch yapin ama dikkat edin ve ayni patch vers. yükleyin, yoksa Receiveriniz bozulabilir.
16,24,30,31,32 falan yazdigi zaman sadece bir yanlis key veya CannelID uyarisi.
Eger autoupdateli kart varsa en gec 30 dakika sonra görüntü gelmesi lazim.
Sadece o kanali acik birakin.Denemekte fayda var.


New member
Local time
23 Şubat 2006
Tepkime puanı
Error Code hataları.

E-HC/bC Incorrect header block (CRC-16)
The software seems damaged while you receive from web site or e-mail.
Pls receive the software again and try to download.

E-dC Incorrect data block (CRC-16)
The software seems damaged while you receive from web site or e-mail. Pls receive the software again and try to download.

E-Hn/bF Invalid HDF version
This error can be occured when you attempt to download Non-Superset STB software to Superset or Vice-Versa. Pls check the STB model and the software.

E-Id Invalid system ID
This error can be occured when you attempt to download F1 software to F1-CI. Pls check the STB model and the software.

E-AC Incorrect application (CRC-32)
Download latest version of application S/W

E-ut UART RX/TX time out
There is communication problem between source and target.

1) Check whether the S/W is compressed or not and Check whether you use the proper download tool for the software.
2) Reduce the download speed and try to download again.
3) STB main power Off/On and try to download again.
4) Reset the PC and try to download again.

E-Ad Invalid address
Humax made the hdf file with wrong address. Pls notify this error to us and wait until we release the proper software

E-Ao Invalid offset address for upload (Odd offset)
There was a mistake when we made hdf file from binary file. Pls let us know immediately and wait new release version.

E-Ft Flash program time out
The flash memory in STB seems damaged. Pls try to download one more time. If you fail agian, send us back to replace the flash memory device

E-FE Fail compare after flash write
Flash memory is damaged. Return the main board (CPU Board).

E-HF Invalid HDF Format
Humax made the hdf file with wrong version. Pls notify this error to us and wait until we release proper software.

E-Fn Invalid flash device
Flash memory is defected Need to change the flash memory so Pls return the Main Board.

E-AS Incorrect application size
Check the software version and STB hardware specification

E-It/Et EEPROM program time out
The EEPROM in STB seems damaged. Pls try to download one more time.
If you fail again, replace the EEPROM device.